I just finished listening to the audible version of Brian Tracy's book "Eat That Frog!" and came away with a refreshing outlook on how to stop procrastinating and getting myself motivated to accomplish the set of tasks before me. Most of Tracy's advise in the book basically reinforces some common practices we should take into consideration when setting out to accomplish our tasks. The basic principles of the book are focused around the Pareto principle more commonly known as the 80-20 rule and the ABCDE Method of Prioritization a time management technique. What made the book refreshing was the clarity of the message he was trying to get across.In Tracy's book, he states that we should not only take the biggest task, but the task that would have the most impact on us and tackle it immediately and don't stop until it is completed or as he says Eat That Frog!

It is common that we look at our to-do-lists and try to do as many of the smaller items on the list as possible so that when we look at our list we feel some sort of accomplishment because the list is getting smaller. However,while your list is getting smaller the items which may have the most impact on you, whether work related or personal are still sitting there waiting to get done. What Tracy encourages us to do is sit down with our to-do-lists, prioritize them by using the ABCDE Method of Prioritization and then tackle them one at time.

With the ABCDE method you make your list of everything that you need to accomplish. This list should be an ongoing list and have tasks you want or need to accomplish whether it is today or next year. You then go through the list carefully and categorize each item with one of the 5 letters.

  • A – Very important. This is something that you must do, something that has SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES for either doing it or not doing it.
  • B – Something that you should do but that is not as important as an A item. There are consequences associated with doing it or not doing it but they are only MILD CONSEQUENCES that don’t last for very long.
  • C – Something that would be nice to do but for which there are NO CONSEQUENCES at all for your career or your success.
  • D – An item that you DELEGATE or outsource to someone else who can do it pretty much as well as you. Delegate everything possible to free up enough time for you to concentrate on your A activities.
  • EELIMINATE. These are items that are such low priority that you could eliminate them completely and it would make no difference at all. Sometimes the disciplined act of eliminating low value tasks can simplify your life and free up enough time for you to accomplish those tasks that have the greatest possible consequences for you.

Now that you have categorized the list go back over the list and organize your A tasks by priority, put an A1 next to your most important task, an A2 next to your second most important task and so on. Then begin immediately on your A1 task and discipline yourself to stay at it until it is completed. The important factor here is that you can't start on any of the B items until ALL the A are done. It is important to remain diligent about this.

Using the ABDCE method may at first feel like you aren't getting much accomplished because your list isn't getting shorter at the same rate as doing the non consequential items but over time you will not only see a big improvement in your productivity you will start to feel a real sense of accomplishment.

"Eat That Frog!" was an easy listen with lots of useful tips that can be implemented in to your daily life for both your personal and business needs. If you are struggling with procrastination or need to get yourself organized, I highly recommend you pick up the book or purchase the audio.

Posted by Doreen DeJesus on Wednesday, July 23, 2008


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I work with authors, coaches, entertainers, entrepreneurs and speakers who strive for success in their pursuit of their passions by putting the SANITY back in their business!

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